In the early days of Asian Children’s Mission, Joana was frequently asked to help found or fund more orphanages. This was not a sustainable strategy for a small non-profit, so Joana began to research alternatives. She soon realized that healthy families who live in thriving communities can feed, protect and educate their own children, so a move towards Community Development began.



Community Health Evangelism (CHE) is a Christ-centered educational program used by churches and communities around the world, including in Myanmar. CHE equips communities to identify issues and mobilize resources to achieve positive, sustainable change. Lives and communities are transformed as people come to Christ and work together to address local needs.



The Myanmar Community Development Center (MCDC) is located just east of Hope Children’s Home. We are very interested in engaging the surrounding village to offer hope and an understanding of the true gospel message. At the Center we have our Samaritan Nursing Program, Evangelist Training, and A Health Clinic. We hope to offer many different Vocational Training Classes as well as develop the land to provide vegetables and fruit for Hope Children’s Home. Join us and help us live out this dream God has placed in our hearts!



Vocational training at our Children’s Homes is diverse and extremely necessary as most high school students in Myanmar do not go on to the universities. The training ranges from Beauty School to Pig Farming, with lots in between! We are teaching Computer Classes, Sign Making, Engine Repair, Sewing and Chicken Farming. Also we are putting much emphasis on English Classes. We feel that learning English can be a real help for getting job in the cities. We also are encouraging our children to work as interns in construction, painting, and restaurants. We hope to expand this vocation training program. We welcome any ideas and also any journey to teach classes in Myanmar!



ACM Samaritan Practical School of Nursing’s creation was formed out of the need to meet the basic health and wellness requirements of rural Myanmar villages. These rural villagers can live up to several days walking distance from formal healthcare providers and basic clinics. The Samaritan School of Nursing, led by a professionally educated, credentialed Registered Nurse, provides the student with practical and advanced nursing skills including assessment, first aid, wound care & suturing and hygiene & wellness care including basic pregnancy care. Often these villages select from their own young people, sending them to the S.O.N. for training in order to return and serve their home village. In addition to the RN Educator, the school relies on the willingness of US Professional Healthcare providers such as physicians, nurses, midwives and dental professionals to rotate through the school and provide theory and hands-on training to enhance their education. It is through the generosity of our supporters that these young people have been able to participate in this program and truly change lives. Thank you.